Benefits of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise


When it comes to sports, some people like to walk, dance or yoga, some like to lift dumbbells, play equipment... They all seem to be exercising, but these different forms of exercise have different "energy supply methods". The difference between "aerobic" and "anaerobic".
"The difference between 'aerobic exercise' and 'anaerobic exercise' is only one word, but it is completely different." Exercise is like the engine of a car, it needs fuel to provide energy. The main energy sources of the human body are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. When exercise intensity is relatively low, energy expenditure is relatively small, and oxygen has time to be transported to tissue cells for metabolism (also known as "aerobic metabolism"). By burning fat to meet the body's energy needs, this exercise is called aerobic exercise. Exercises that can usually be performed for a long time are aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, yoga, playing ball, etc. Conversely, when the exercise is very intense or bursts rapidly, such as weightlifting, 100-meter sprint, sprint, wrestling, throwing, muscle training, etc., the body needs to consume a lot of energy in an instant, and oxygen does not have time to reach the cells to participate in combustion. Aerobic metabolism is difficult to meet the strong energy consumption needs of the human body, so the sugar in the body will quickly generate a large amount of energy for replenishment through anaerobic metabolism. Exercise in this state is anaerobic exercise, that is to say, anaerobic exercise is mostly high-intensity, instantaneous exercise.
Although the energy supply forms of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise are different, each has its own advantages. Aerobic exercise can fully burn body fat, which is conducive to the control of blood sugar and blood lipids; anaerobic exercise can exercise muscle strength, increase muscle circumference, prevent osteoporosis, and enhance cardiopulmonary function.
Ten benefits of aerobic exercise:
1. Reduce the risk of dementia
Women who did more aerobic exercise in middle age were 88 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's 40 years later, according to a study from the Sag Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
2. Anti-aging
The University of London combined 125 amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 with 75 A comparison of people of similar age who rarely exercised found that cyclists' immune systems were better able to defend against the risks of aging.
3. Muscles are stronger
A study published in the US Review of Exercise and Exercise Science showed that men who did 45 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise four times a week increased their leg muscle mass by 5% to 5%. 6%.
4. Prevents Heart Damage
A study published in the American Journal of Circulation showed that doing high-intensity aerobic exercise can significantly improve left ventricular function and help prevent aortic stiffness in the heart.
5. Promotes Gut Health
Aerobic exercise alters the composition of gut microbes, leading to inflammation, an early warning sign of gut disease.
6. Boosts cholesterol levels
A study by the University of Greenwich in the United Kingdom found that aerobic exercise can reduce the content of low-density lipoprotein and increase the content of high-density lipoprotein, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
7. Prevent diabetes
Endocrinologists have found that 20 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise a day can cut the risk of diabetes in half because it changes the way the body uses blood sugar.
8. Improves skin
Middle-aged people who do regular aerobic exercise look healthier and younger, according to researchers at McMaster University in Canada.
9. Reduce Depression
Exercise scientists at the Free University of Berlin in Germany found that people with major depression who ran for 30 minutes a day for 10 consecutive days had significantly less depressive symptoms.
10. Improve memory
A study from Maastricht University in the Netherlands found that two-weekly aerobic exercise (walking and swimming) in older women with mild cognitive impairment significantly increased the brain's hippocampus, which is involved in learning and memory. Body volume, memory enhancement.
Four benefits of anaerobic exercise:
1. Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
Anaerobic exercise can greatly contribute to improving muscular endurance and speed. Among them, aerobic training has little effect on increasing bone density, while strength training, which belongs to anaerobic exercise, has a better effect on increasing bone density and can effectively reduce bone density. risk of osteoporosis.
2. Improve body immunity
After exercise, the repair of damaged muscles and the metabolism of lactic acid consume fat, increase the ratio of muscle to fat, improve muscle metabolic rate, and improve body immunity. Therefore, compared with aerobic exercise, its "fat reduction" effect is not reflected in "exercise", but in "post exercise", so that the effect of "weight loss" can be achieved even without exercise.
3. Reduce the risk of death from disease
Anaerobic exercise can increase muscle contraction speed and strength, effectively reducing the risk of death from disease. For every 10% increase in a person's grip strength, the risk of disease decreases 30%, which pales in comparison to aerobic exercise.
4. Build muscle