Advantages and disadvantages of cycling


Can cycling make you slimmer? OK. When riding an electric bicycle, the upper body has two postures, and the lower body is a fixed posture, that is, the feet are inserted into the pedals, the heels are used to exert force, and the feet are pedaled parallel. If you use your toes to force, it is easy to aggravate the knee injury. Maintaining the correct posture will also have a good weight loss effect!

Can cycling make you slimmer?

Can cycling make you slimmer? Cycling is a very popular way to lose weight at the moment. Cycling mainly focuses on the legs. Therefore, many people are curious, can cycling reduce legs?

In fact, as long as the riding method is correct, cycling is a good exercise for stovepipe. Cycling is an aerobic exercise. It can tighten the muscles of the legs, promote blood circulation, burn fat, and make the legs slimmer.

Cycling is a relatively easy sport. Urbanites stay in the office all day and rarely get to cycle for exercise and relaxation, so they want to take the opportunity to ride longer. However, if you ride for a long time, the muscles of the legs will be very developed, and the legs may appear thick, so you don't have to ride for too long every day. Generally speaking, stick to 30 minutes a day to thin your legs. After riding, massage gently Legs, relax the muscles and prevent muscle buildup.

The method of riding a bicycle to burn legs:

Method 1: High-intensity riding

One is to specify the speed of each ride, and the other is to control the riding speed according to your own pulse rate, which can effectively exercise the human leg muscles and cardiovascular system.

Method 2: Power cycling weight loss method

That is, riding hard according to different situations such as uphill and downhill can effectively improve the strength or endurance of the legs, and can also effectively prevent the occurrence of thigh bone diseases.

Method 3: Cycling on the soles of the feet -- massage acupoints

Touch the pedal with the sole of the foot to massage the acupoints. How to do it: Use one pedal to step on the bicycle, 30 to 50 times each time.

The advantages and disadvantages of cycling

What are the pros and cons of cycling? Cycling is currently a relatively environmentally friendly way of travel, not only to exercise, but also to protect the environment. As we all know, cycling is good for human health, so apart from the advantages, is there any disadvantage of cycling? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of cycling.

The benefits of cycling

Benefit 1: Bicycles are one of the best tools for overcoming heart function problems. More than half of the world's people die from heart disease. Cycling not only compresses blood flow through the movement of the legs and draws the remarks from the blood vessels back to the heart, but it actually strengthens the microvascular tissue at the same time, which is called "incidental". cycle".

Benefit 2: Develop brain and improve physical fitness. Because bicycling is a heterolateral domination exercise, it can improve the agility of the nervous system. Cycling alternately with two legs can develop the functions of the left and right brains at the same time. Cycling can also effectively exercise the muscle strength of the lower limbs and enhance the endurance of the whole body.

Benefit 3: Lose weight and prolong life. Because in the process of cycling, the human body performs periodic aerobic exercise, so that exercisers can effectively consume more calories, and long-term adherence can achieve obvious weight loss effect. Cycling is a kind of exercise that strengthens cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and cardiopulmonary functions. So it is not surprising that life can be extended to a certain extent.

Benefit 4: Reduce stress. Regular exercise can help reduce psychological stress and prevent depression. Especially when riding outdoors, people can concentrate, enjoy some scenery along the way, and meet like-minded friends and confidants while riding together. These are great ways to relax.

The disadvantages of cycling

Bad 1: Current bike seats are usually narrow and stiff. Riding on it puts a lot of pressure on the genitals, and the point of force on the bike seat is between the anus and the scrotum, where there is an artery that controls the penis' ability to engorgement. If the arteries are compressed for a long time, it is easy to suffer from impotence.

Disadvantage 2: For women, because women's pelvis is wider, the groin and nearby soft tissues are easily rubbed, so women who ride bicycles all the year round, especially those who carry people, objects and increase loads on the bicycle, Vulvar groin mass is very likely to occur.

Disadvantage 3: Excessive cycling can damage the cervical spine, lumbar spine and knee joints. The symptoms of this injury are mainly pain, mainly due to problems with riding position.

Disadvantage 4: Joint damage. The symptoms of this injury are also mainly pain. Mainly there is upper knee pain and back knee pain.